Pompei ... la più viva tra le città morte

The whole truth
Mysteries and Secrets never revealed

Complete Online AudioGuide

Pompeii Ruins

Pompeii Ruins - Audioguide
Complete audio guide on what to see in Pompeii. Counting every year, always an increasing number of visitors, Pompeii Ruins are the main tourist attraction for historical, artistic, cultural and archaeological interest. This online audio guide will take you to discover what the ashes have kept hidden for centuries. Among the over 100 points of interest (the most important to see), you can choose which ones to visit, depending on your visit time or for any other needs you may have (such as if you have kids with you). Visit Pompeii Ruins without stress, in complete autonomy simply by relying on the support of this complete audio guide that you can use according to your times and needs.
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How this Audio Guide works
Complete onLine audioguide

1. Buy

Buy a code directly from this website. We’ll send the code in your E.mail. Immediate Activation. The code does NOT expire and can also be used after some time from its purchase.
Audio description of over 100 points for only 6 euros

2. Validate Code

Validate the code to access the audio tracks related to the Complete Tour. From the first time it is used, the code remains valid for the next 24 hours, during which time it can also be used several times. After 24 hours, the code will no longer be usable.
Enjoy Pompeii Ruins Audioguide by your smartphone

3. Enjoy the Tour

Listen to the audio tracks available in 4 languages (Italian - English - French - German). You can decide to visit all the places or just some of them depending on the time you want to dedicate. The audio is audible both with earphones and hands-free.
Pompeii Ruins Interactive Map

4. Orientate

You can find your way around using the interactive map. By clicking on any point of interest, you will be brought back to the audio of that specific point.
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Evaluate how it works
Listen to these free access audios with general information to evaluate how the audio guide works.

History and origins


History of excavation

The city


Art and techniques

Pompeii Ruins online audioguide

It does not take up memory

Don’t clog up your device’s memory. You can use the audio guide directly from this website, through any browser you have already installed and without having to download other applications.
Pompeii Ruins Assistance

Continuous assistance

For any doubts or problems encountered, you can rely on continuous assistance and contact the Visitare Pompei team directly via WhatsApp.
Pompeii Ruins audioguide secure payment
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Some messages from users
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You will help us improve
The explanation is excellent, I lived a magical experience walking and listening to the stories and anecdotes of those times. I felt like I was living the story in that moment.
Accessing the service and starting the explanation is very simple. The explanation is exciting.
Very useful and detailed, tells the story of Pompeii well, the map was very convenient for me to orient myself.
Really efficient and fast customer support.
I lived a dream, I felt like a Pompeian of the time.
Very well done. Light and pleasant to hear.
Well done. Excellent service.
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